Wednesday, January 20, 2010

.gettin old.

"A birthday is a time to reflect on the year gone by, but to also set your goals for the upcoming year."
Catherine Pulsifer

yesterday,was my 23rd bday.the feeling was not the same as i used to feel a fe years back. ill be waiting for the day and wished that people celebrated it. for me, that day is the day for celebration.the day to be thankful to be part of person's life.

however, yesterday i was numb. the feeling was unbearrable. i wished that day wasnt meant to be mine.its undescribable.dark and full of misery. kisah hati sukar dimengerti..but the day ended with colors and happiness. my peeps were there to ease the pain. glad they were there for love you..and thanks tqvm!!:))) . and i know he is there too..and i do love you to..svm.

the wisdom words above; tells me that there is never too late to make changes. i wanna make a difference and i can sure you that its worth it to wait for..

1 comment:

J.U.L.I.E.S.A.M.A.D said...

dear makkkk...happy belated birthday!nntikan hadiah dariku yg xseberapa nnti ye~ihihiiikk ;p

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