adelaide airport, australia.. MAS airlines. leaving Malaysia..sobsob

how beautiful the scenary, huh? can you get this in Malaysia?
seeing is beleiving. a rainbow just in front of my house. damn beautiful!!
18 ozone parade.. 1001 memories-sweet and bitter! for those who know about it credit for you..
far away from you..huhuhu
memories in adelaide.. syukur alhamdulillah akhirnya dapat juga berhijrah ke negara orang..
insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki aku nak sambung master di sana..terima kasih kepada uitm kerana memberi peluang ini..
SKEMA????hehe...well, experience is the best teacher, aite...huhu...all those bitter sweet made u more mature i guess...i wish u all the best in achieving ur dreams and do pray for me as well...nak jugak!!sob2...
saya akan doa untuk kamu juga bareessence
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