Monday, May 25, 2009

.aku dan kamu.

aku teringat kamu. ya kamu. rakan aku. sahabat aku. teman aku. penghilang duka aku. peneman aku. peluk aku bila aku perlu kamu. bimbit tangan aku bila takut melintas jalan. nyanyi bersama bila aku kecewa. pinjamkan duit bila aku tiada. belanja makan bila aku berjaya. dan ketawa dengar aku bercerita.

aku teringat kamu. ya kamu. rakan aku. sahabat aku. teman aku. tapi kamu perosak hubungan aku dan dia. kamu kutuk aku di belakang mereka. kamu benci bila aku dapat markat tinggi. malukan aku di depan guru.marah bila aku minta tolong. buat tak tahu bila aku perlu kamu. dan lupa ada kawan seperti aku.

kamu pula kawan yang bagaimana?

p/s: teringat kawan-kawan lama. kenangan terindah. TERIMA KASIH SEMUA.



this case might be one of random cases. people have issue with themselves. people can always say sweet and romantic phrases or words to their kekasih hati or intan payung...

i love you always. i miss you now and forever. i will be beside you for better or worse.


it is very hard to said those words to the people who have a special place in their heart~to mom, dad, or siblings. they know that they love them so much, miss them, and will be their backbone forever but it is very hard to utter all the words. do not know why..

people, we can never stop making mistakes. and the worst part is we can never stop making mistake to those people who we love so very much. we admit the mistake. promise not to do it again. but yet before you aware of it, you are doing it again.

you know, some people are ashamed of themselves. to say the words SORRY. its like the hardest thing on planet. why is that?

we can never stop learning. learning of who we are. i do not know who i am till now. do you? but i can say that the best way to learn who we are is when we know how to say we LOVE and SORRY to the people that have taught you the meaning of life.

p/s: memaafkan diri sendiri dengan cara memaafkan orang lain.

.heart bleeding.

heart bleeding

it's sorrow. it's grief

it's pain. it's hurt

it's visible yet unexplained

heart bleeding

free me from the unwanted

only one warrior

and its' YOU.

p/s: first attempt.

.dunia baru aku.

siapa kata kita cuma ada satu dunia?

saya kata kita punya banyak dunia; dunia dalam dunia. aku sudah berjalan merentas beberapa dunia setakat ini.begitu juga kamu.semalam sebelum senja, aku merentas satu lagu dunia. dunia yang bakal aku tempuh lagi dua minggu.aduhh..


bagaimana agaknya ya? aku di mata mereka. lagak aku dan rakan-rakan sewaktu mentertawakan guru-guru aku semasa di bangku sekolah dahulu seakan-akan menari-nari di depan mata aku. hmm, inilah akibatnya. padan muka aku.

yang pasti, dunia baru aku nanti pasti jadi pengalaman yang tidak mungkin luput dari ingatan

p/s: random post. sudah lama tidak menulis. rasa cacamarba.gundah gulana.

Sunday, May 03, 2009



such feeling has encountered many hearts. people may or may not admit the feeling of loneliness. it is sorrow, gloomy and mystery.only hearts know how to interpret it. words also cannot describe the pain of being lonely.hmm, you know most of my friends have told me..

'mak, aku sunyila... aku perlu seseorang'

for young adults..

we cannot deny the fact that we want to be love. and the need to love someone. biological of human development research also shows that this is the time for girls and boys to search for their love ones. and create their love story. the failure of meeting someone special and compatible, trigger negative vibes to others who succeed of searching for their so called soulmate. and just for that, we grow the feeling of being lonely. the undescribable feeling..

yeap. i know, the feeling can derive from hopes, dreams, wishes and desires that drives someone to be closed to a person. whoever the lucky person will be, he or she is the person that has a special place in our heart. whether we are grieving over a dead body of our loved ones or mourning over the absence of a significant soul in our life he or she would totally make a different to our emotions and thoughts of how we perceive ourselves and the world..


we do not need anyone to replace the feeling of being lonely.


it happens just like that. i do not know whether others feel the same way as i am. but at times, though i have people i really love and care beside me everytime i need them, i could not bare the inner side of me that feel the sense of loneliness far from at bottom of my heart. i do not know what to do and how to make it go? but i know just one thing that praying to Allah, may the feeling go far away..and left me alone.and cry as much as i want.

no one in the world would want to be lonely. just think of thousands of orphans and the elderly, on how loneliness they feel right now? without someone to be love. or someone to talk with. who accept them for who they are. yeap, no one wants to be lonely. but believe me, how hard we try to avoid the feeling, at some point of life, you will feel and experience the most terrible poverty which is loneliness..

for me,

when i swim deeply into my heart i discover the feeling of loneliness inside of me. but i do not know how to describe it. i still lead my life as i always do; with laughter and sadness..

only God knows why..

p/s: adakah anda sunyi seperti saya...?

Friday, May 01, 2009

.snowman is dying.



date: 2 may 2009

time: 9.00 am - 12.00 pm

mode: im half dead!!!

doakan saya ya.

ALLAH permudahkan lah segalanya ya.




merupakan satu jenis sajak dari negara matahari terbit, Jepun.

ia ditandai dengan 5 sukukata pada baris pertama,

7 sukukata pada baris kedua, dan

5 sukukata pada baris ketiga.

penulisan haiku di tebak dengan syarat-syarat tertentu,


bagi penulis bebas, haiku boleh di gambarkan mengikut

citarasa masing-masing.


sebagai seorang penulis haiku bebas

berikut adalah haiku nukilan saya.

angin semalam
menggigit kenangan ku
dalam igauan

jauh meninjau
menjengah pekat malam
teriak jiwa

suara sendu
merangkul lemas batin
seksa meragut

wira berdiri
perkasa sanubari
tugu sejati

p/s: saya budak baru belajar.
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